
Junior & Youth DanceSport Series

Our gold sponsor is a premier DanceSport championships competition.

Tel: 908.553.5881
Email: info@paragonopen.com
Website: www.paragonopen.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ParagonOpen

Avanti Day Spa

Our platinum sponsor offers the ultimate salon and spa experience! Enjoy the most relaxing spa, massage and salon services in New Jersey!

Tel: 732.780.0222
Email: info@avantidayresort.com
Website: www.avantidayresort.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AvantiDayResort

Paragon Open

Our gold sponsor is a premier DanceSport championships competition.

Tel: 908.553.5881
Email: info@paragonopen.com
Website: www.paragonopen.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ParagonOpen

Become a TSDSC Sponsor

Become a sponsor of the Tri-State DanceSport Championships sponsor. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact the organizer to receive the Sponsor Package